Interested in joining the Knights of Columbus?
At tonight’s (February 25, 2022) girls basketball game held at Hawley High School, the Hawley Knights of Columbus honored the award winners of the annual KC Free Throw Contest. This was the 14th year that our KC Council 14543 has sponsored this event. We had over 400 participants this year.
A special thanks goes out to the teachers and coaches in Hawley that help us do this event each year. Awards were distributed by Hawley KC members Curt Noll and Lloyd Maydole. There was a big crowd on hand and a lot of smiling faces once the boys and girls received their awards! It was an awesome sight to see!
We will hold meetings on the Saturday morning previous to our Sunday KC Day. All Hawley KC members are encouraged to come and participate. There is no meetings scheduled if there is not a KC Sunday following unless for special reasons.
Please see the St. Andrew's of Hawley Church Bulletin for the next KC Sunday & Pancake Breakfast.
The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast is a very important part of our fundraising efforts to help the church community of St. Andrew's Catholic Church as well as the surrounding community. We are always happy to have our fellow Knights help out with this breakfast effort. Our church community looks forward to it. We do this once a month except in December and the summer months.
One benefit of membership in the Knights of Columbus is the ability to purchase life insurance, long term care insurance, and annuities for yourself and your family from Knights of Columbus Insurance. For more information click here.